~Square Luvs~

~Square Luvs~

The Shecky Shack was quite the clean up mess after the storm. After tackling that, the second bedroom went through a change and finally came to fruition. The desk moved out and the other pieces were moved around to let in a full size bed.

This little 10 x 10 bedroom has Grandma Celia’s hand crocheted bedspread and a little container she used. She did crochet it and she left us a couple of the beautiful blankets she made. Two hand embroidered towels and a little vintage bird completes a side table with a vase and flowers. Table throws are vintage handmade and used still everywhere I can use them. It makes the work of the past not wasted from my eyes. Beautiful hand work is hard to come by so I relish it and wonder about the memories it holds. Hopefully it will be around for generations to come.

Square Luvs are little snippets in 1 x 1 format to post at will of luvlies I see and discover and take photos of. There are so many luvly things to see. Enjoy!

Just Square Luvs

10 responses to “~Square Luvs~”

  1. Such a beautiful bedspread. The handiwork is incredible.


  2. These are beautiful ‘luvs’ and I so appreciate hand work. The spread is stunning!


    1. I had a feeling you would appreciate it and I am glad you do! The work is something else and I can’t believe that she sat there with patience. It is one of my favorite things. 🙂


  3. It’s very beautiful, you have wonderful taste, Kathleen Jennette! 🥰


    1. Thank you John. The past is so perfect in my eyes. I am glad it still goes on 🙂


      1. Me too, we think alike. It’s not a good thing to live in the past, but those were wonderful years. Precious memories. ❤️


        1. I think that is why I go for antique furniture. I figure if it has been here over 100 or 200 years and still here, its mine. Quality.


          1. yes, the quality! Todays furnace is cheap like ikea crap.


    2. I just love doing stuff around and changing things. Its fun. Like taking photos. It makes me smile. Thank you 🙂


      1. You’re welcome! I move my furniture around once in a while too. The big fat leather lazy boy couches are a bit too large for my little living room but they are so comfortable!


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